Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Anime soundtracks are here @ Noble Library!

In our continuing effort here at the Noble Library to stay on the cutting edge in offering our patrons the coolest new library materials, we've started a modest collection of Anime movie soundtracks! Nearly all Anime movie soundtracks are prohibitive for public libraries because they are issued in Japan. This not only makes it difficult to find a distributor to handle them, but usually puts them into the $35.00+ range per disc, making them somewhat cost prohibitive. But our painstaking research led us to a few popular Anime movie soundtracks that have been originally released in the United States! So we purchased a few! Here's what we were able to find available:

Princess Mononoke/Spirited Away box (OST)
Akira (OST)
Steamboy (OST)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Complete Best (OST)
Ghost in the Shell (OST)
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (OST)
The Best Of Dragonball Z: American Soundtrack Vol. I
Best Of Dragonball Z: American Soundtrack Vol. II
Neon Genesis Evangelion: 10th Anniversary (OST)
Samurai X (rurouni Kenshin) Ova (ost)
Voices of a Distant Star Soundtrack
Ranma 1/2 (OST)
Metropolis-Original Soundtrack
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex O.S.T. +

Hmmm. 14 titles! Not a bad start, especially considering Noble Library may be the only library you'll find with any Anime soundtracks! All you fanboys and fangirls will want to hightail it over to the Noble Library to check out this new fun music. All the above titles will be housed with our music CD collection, in the SOUNDTRACKS and SHOW MUSIC section, and can be checked out just like our other CD's! However, since it's unlikely that any of these titles already have a record in our catalog, it may be a few weeks before they are processed and availablt to the public.

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