Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Noble Library MANGA-fied!

Teen Manga Freaks!

You've GOTTA get over to the Teen Area at the Alfred Noble Library and see the new shelving unit that is stuffed full of nothing but the best (and complete) Manga series available for teens. Many new series have been added, including but not limited to: Nana, Negima: Magister Negi Magi!, Bleach, Ranma 1/2, MAR, Ravemaster, Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase, and Van Von Hunter.
We've also expanded the size of our Teen Fiction collection woth a dozen more shelves and tons of new titles! Come on in and see whats happening!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Teens! Would you like to see video games that you can check out at the Library? Civic Center is planning on adding a video game collection to the Teen Area later this year, and your friendly neighborhood Teen Librarian needs your input!

1. Should the library carry just console based games (Wii, PS2, etc.) or handheld (GameBoy, DS, PSP, etc.) or both? And which platforms?

2. What specific game titles would you like to see?

3. If the Library charged a small rental fee (e.g., $1 for a one-week check-out), would you still want to check out the games?

4. Any other thoughts regarding video games in the Library?

You can respond to these questions by commenting on the blog (just click on "# Comments"). For those of you too shy to comment on the blog, write down your responses and drop them off in the suggestion box at Civic Center Library or e-mail your thoughts to jvisnaw(at)livonia(dot)lib(dot)mi(dot)us.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Attention: Teens who attended the March Teen Advisory Committee meeting

City Channel 8 still needs your release forms so they can broadcast the footage that was taken of the meeting. Ideally, drop off forms with parent/guardian signature ASAP to any of the Livonia libraries (ask for the Teen librarian when you drop off the form).

Otherwise, I think the City Channel 8 people are going to put big opaque boxes over your faces. So get those forms in as soon as you can!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Live Chess, featuring human playing pieces, will take place at the Civic Center Library on Thursday, April 17, at 6:30 PM to celebrate National Library Week. We're looking for folks who would like to either (a) play the part of one of our living chess pieces or (b) be a player directing the live pieces.

Players should be in grades 7-12 and need to know basic chess moves.
Human pieces can be any age and do not need to know how to play the game.

We'll have snacks on hand, and there will be small prizes for the best chess player/team.

Sign up has begun! Call the Civic Center Library at (734) 466-2197 to sign up.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Tune In @ Your Library: Best Promotional Library Song (mp3) Contest to Celebrate Teen Tech Week
Teens: enter a nationwide promotional song contest sponsored by the American Library Association. Compose an original song promoting your library and win a prize for yourself and your favorite library. Teens may enter individually or in a group. Entries should be submitted as mp3 files files to or
For further information, check out ALA's website at

Play Some Games at the Sandburg Library!

Spring is the time for games for teens at the Sandburg Library! Join us on Saturday March 8 for Scene It: Music Edition on DVD to test your trivial music knowledge. Come by yourself or bring a time to compete for (small) prizes! Play runs from 1 to 3:30 and includes refreshments.

Sandburg is planning a Teen Game Day during Spring Break on Thursday March 27 from 2 to 4:30 which will include DDR, Guitar Hero III, and board games. Bring your own cards or favorite board game and make a new friend while playing games.